8 Tactics to Refresh Your Brand in 2015

Need a brand refresh? It’s already April, and you may feel disappointed at slacking on your marketing. Here are 8 tactics for you to refresh your brand in 2015!

1. Revisit copy on all pages. Refresh your brand
Yep I said it. Revisit ALL your website pages. Did you adjust your price list last year? Or do are you embracing a smarter business approach? Fabulous, glad to hear. Now make sure your website accurately reflects that. Also, check to make sure your copy is fresh and engaging, as well as consistent throughout all pages.
2. Kick up your blog.
You join the vast majority if you haven’t written a blog in oh, maybe 4 months or so. I dragged last year (This is my first 2015 post…yikes!). Going forward, I have set a goal of a minimum of one post for a month. I am a woman shop and sometimes I get a bit burnt out. It still doesn’t excuse laziness. Blogging is where the heart and soul of your brand connect. Look, you may not find it as difficult once you get started. From list posts to guest writers, there are thousands of ways for you make blogging easier on you. Pro tip: Always use a content calendar to organize and drive strategy.

3. Innovative content marketing focus. 
Select 2 or 3 larger content marketing initiatives to break down over the year. If this is the first time leveraging content marketing, don’t be afraid to start small. What do I mean? A podcast series on wine 101 from a new restaurant, or maybe a how-to cook a dish weekly Instagram series, producing content that meets your customer’s needs doesn’t have to be an expensive process. Here’s a bombtastic list of successful content marketing initiatives in 2014.
4. Embrace innovation.
The competition is fierce. If you don’t understand what makes your brand way more AMAZING than your competition, then stop what you are doing immediately. Reflect first, brainstorm next and then outline your brand strategy. Beginning from a place of knowledge will naturally ignite innovation!
5. Step out of your brand comfort zone.
It’s easy to repeat old habits, regardless how terrible they are. This applies to neglected, repeated marketing campaigns. Let’s use “last year’s holiday card” as an example. The holiday card may have performed WORSE than the prior year. Did you review the metrics yet (open rate, clicks) and what did you learn? You didn’t check them. Yet, you still went ahead and used the same tired idea, regardless of its poor performance. My advice to you is to step out of your brand’s comfort zone and let go of old habits. Breath new life into your marketing strategy.
6. Follow the rules.
Ok, I did write embrace innovation earlier and I meant that. However, some of you don’t understand the purpose behind each social media platforms. That’s fine if you don’t “get” it. Then, hire someone who does. Your social media expert should be able to not only quickly summarize each platform’s unique attributes and purpose, but also advise on the best approach for each campaign.
7. Hire a creative.
Designers come in all shapes and sizes. Mainly costs. Skimp on the cost, and you might skimp on the visual polish of a post or campaign. Especially for larger campaigns, I follow my own advice and hire designers. They deliver a tighter set of skills, so I can remain focused on concept work, strategy and writing. For other days, I use Canva 🙂
8. Let’s get together.
Let’s discuss what content marketing strategies to employ so we can fuel new energy into your brand today!
Is there a tactic I missed or you simply want to share an idea you had. Shoot me an email at lola@omylola.com. I would love to hear your thoughts!