19 Storytelling Quotes to Inspire the Everyday Storyteller
Some of my favorite marketing experts, entrepreneurs and writers all agree on one notion, the value of storytelling. Loosely put, Content Marketing is creating and publishing content that attracts and retains your target customers. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 72% of…

8 Tactics to Refresh Your Brand in 2015
Need a brand refresh? It’s already April, and you may feel disappointed at slacking on your marketing. Here are 8 tactics for you to refresh your brand in 2015! 1. Revisit copy on all pages. Yep I said it. Revisit ALL your website pages. Did you adjust your price…

Photoshop Tutorial in Transparent Backgrounds
Transparent Backgrounds in Photoshop. Yay! In my desire to pursue full-scale Content Marketing offerings, I’m teaching myself Photoshop! Today’s self-taught lesson (with the help of this YouTube video) was in transparent backgrounds. As a result, I resolved my transparent graphic…
PayPal Delivers Memorable Experience at SXSW 2014
I have a couple wrap-up posts that I still need to complete for SXSW 2014. However, I need to first share one of the most pleasant surprises of this year’s conference, the PayPal Social Media Lounge. I, along with every…

Top 15 Sessions to Attend at SXSW 2014
Each year at SXSW there is a scramble to find and attend the best Interactive conference sessions. If you’ve attended SX before, you know the sting of waiting in line for two hours for your favorite popular speaker. You arrive…